What is BayTech?
The Bay Area Houston Advanced Technology Consortium, or BayTech, is a 501(c)(3) technology consortium that will bring together academia, industry, NASA-JSC, and the State of Texas. BayTech pursues federal and private research and technology development funding that will create jobs, retain the work force and knowledge base, generate new revenue streams, and maximize future opportunities for Texas and the greater Houston region.

Houston, we have an opportunity! Here is an outstanding video produced by Jacobs Engineering that opened the Pumps and Pipes conference on December 3rd. BayTech actively supports the Pumps and Pipes collaboration.
Testing & Evaluation Services
NASA Johnson Space Center is home to a nationally accredited inspection and test facility. The RITF provides testing, evaluation services, and training to industry as shown in this video.

Click here for a comprehensive description of RITF capabilities.
Training Opportunities

Click on the links below to learn more
NASA Workmanship Training
NASA Safety Training Center
Cybersecurity Training